What To Expect When Worshipping With Us

What To Expect When Worshipping With Us

Each worship assembly is led by various men of the congregation. They are willing to prepare themselves and use their talents to the glory of God.

Lord’s Supper observed each Sunday

We partake of communion every week, just as they did in New Testament times (Acts 20:7). It is a highlight of the week to commemorate Christ’s death and celebrate His promised return.


The whole congregation sings acapella (without mechanical instruments), just as they did in New Testament times (Eph 5:19; Col 3:16). None of us are professional singers; no matter what our voices sound like, we know that God is pleased to hear us praising him through song. Visitors may sing along or simply listen. 


At every assembly, we will express our thanksgiving to God and ask for His blessings (1 Tim 2:8, Acts 2:42; 1 Thess. 5:17).

Collection for the Saints

Each Sunday, our members will give as they have prospered to meet the needs of the church in teaching and benevolence (1 Cor 16:1-2). Visitors are neither asked nor expected to participate.

Preaching and Teaching

Accurate and relevant Bible teaching and preaching is an important element of our assemblies. We believe that we should have scriptural authority for everything we do as Christians, and as a church. The Bible is the inspired Word of God, and it is all that we use to determine our practices and beliefs (Titus 2:1-2; 2 Tim 4:2-5)

You will notice that the preacher doesn’t have a title. He won’t be referred to as Pastor or Reverend. He will probably be referred to as “Brother” or just called by his first name. He won’t be wearing any special clothing or a collar which sets him apart. The reason for this is our belief in the priesthood of all believers- that all are equal.


You’ll see a wide variety of attire at our worship services. We believe that the most important clothing you wear is internal (Col 3:12) – compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Most of the women here either will wear pants or a dress. Most of our men don’t wear suits or even a tie, though a few might.  We’d like you to dress modestly, but outside of that, it is more important to us that you are here over what you wear.

What Will Be Expected of You

Nothing at all! You are welcome to participate, but don’t feel obligated to. Just observe, if that is your choice. You may be asked to fill out a Visitor’s Card. This simply provides information so the church can write or call to thank you for your visit. Supply the information if you are comfortable doing so. But feel free to decline this request if you prefer.

The People

We’re a diverse group, coming from varied backgrounds, and at different stages of knowledge and spiritual growth. We don’t know everything. We may not do everything exactly right. We haven’t arrived at heaven but we are on the journey there. We are not brought together by any illusion of our perfection or righteousness. We are brought together by our recognition that we are all sinners in need of the cleansing blood of Jesus. That’s the reason we can worship together, stick together, and, with God’s help, accomplish things that make a difference!

The bottom line: you will find people who love Jesus and love the Bible.

On Our Way

Trusting in Christ, not ourselves, we are on our way to heaven.
We invite you to go to heaven with us.
We invite you to come worship with us!